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-001-001City of Biddeford First Data RequestsBIDDEFORD & SACO WATER COMPANYBSWC states in the direct testimony of Jerry Mansfield, p. 6, that many miles of water mains and appurtenances will reach the end of normal service life over the coming years. Please describe the maintenance/replacement program that will be undertaken regarding the City of Biddeford's water mains and fire hydrants following the merger and the anticipated impact, if any, on rates.BSWC will target a 1% infrastructure replacement rate based on best industry practices. The priorities for this program will be determined with the following criteria: (1) Internal identification of mains, hydrants and other infrastructure that have historical service issues, including poor water quality, low pressure and a history of breaks (2) Outreach to the public works directors, engineers and fire chiefs in the four communities to identify any issues with the water system, and to coorMore10/10/2012Responded toView
-001-001ENE Data Request No. 1CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY1. Please state whether CMP will require pre- and post- inspections of the customer?s buildingWhile CMP will not require pre- and post-inspections of the customer?s building, all qualified heat pump installation vendors are expected to assess the premise and consult with the customer to determine the most appropriate heat pump option.8/9/0113Responded toView
-001-001ENE Data RequestCENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANYPlease describe any and all efforts CMP has made to coordinate with the Efficiency maine Trust in the following areas: a) realization of electricity savings from installation of the company's AMI meters; b) reduction of peak demand; c) reduction of electricity usage in generalCMP has met with Efficiency Maine Trust twice to provide an overview of the AMI system capabilities as well as demonstrate the Company?s Energy Manager web portal. It is the Company?s expectation that Efficiency Maine Trust would have participated in the AMI-related dockets, and in particular, the docket specifically-related to Dynamic Pricing (Docket 2010-132). As far as the Company is aware, Efficiency Maine Trust has not intervened in any of these dockets.7/3/0113Responded toView
-001-001FWW 003-001FRYEBURG WATER COMPANYFWW 003-001: Identify all individuals who contributed in any way to the Fryeburg Water Company?s (?FWC?) Responsive Filing dated March 15, 2013, including but not limited to all individuals providing information used in the filing, or who provided text or statements incorporated into the filing. For each individual, briefly describe their contribution to the filing. PendingView
-001-001FR DR No. 1 to OPAOFFICE OF THE PUBLIC ADVOCATE1. Please provide the following information about the background and experience of Daniel Goulet and George Arnold: A. Have either Mr. Arnold or Mr. Goulet ever conducted RF testing of smart meters or other advanced metering devices of any kind? If so describe in complete detail the circumstances of the testing. B. Does Mr. Arnold have any experience conducting tests of RF emitting devices of any kind and does he have any experience with the testing equipment used in the OPA study? CMoreA.Neither George Arnold nor Dan Goulet has prior experience in testing the RF emissions from advanced metering devices. B.George Arnold has no prior experience with the FCC type accepted metering equipment used in the OPA study. C.While Mr. Goulet does not have a formal degree in engineering he is has worked in the radio frequency field for over 26 years and has been accepted as an expert by multiple Boards, Commissions and District Courts in New York and in all five states in New England. AdMoreResponded toView
-001-002City of Biddeford First Data RequestsBIDDEFORD & SACO WATER COMPANYBSWC states in the direct testimony of Jerry Mansfield, p. 6, that a recent study of the Company's treatment facility described significant modifications that would be required to increase the capacity if it becomes necessary. Please state whether CTWS contemplates increasing the capacity of the water treatment faciliity and, if so, why it contemplates the need to expand the facility and the size of the expansion.The priority for any modification at the water treatment plant will be continued reliable service to the communities served, as authorized in the Legislative charter for BSWC, compliance with all existing water quality regulations, and addressing any needed modifications for new regulations, for increased efficiency in its operations, and for safety. A 2005 engineering study prepared for the Southern Maine Regional Water Council (of which BSWC is a member) identified the Saco River as a long More10/10/2012Responded toView
-001-002ENE Data Request No. 1CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY2. With regard to customer eligibility for the pilot, please state whether CMP will require any minimum level of building envelope energy efficiency for program qualification. If so, please state the level of building envelope efficiency CMP suggests is reasonable for customer program participation and how CMP will measure and/or verify building envelope efficiency.CMP will not require a minimum level of building envelope energy efficiency for program qualification.8/9/0113Responded toView
-001-002ENE Data RequestCENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANYWith respect to the AMI meters CMP has installed: a) please describe the features of the meters that will help to reduce electricity demand by customers; b) which of those features will help to reduce demand during peak hours; c) the company's plans to implement any or all such featuresThe primary feature that CMP?s AMI meters have to support the reduction of electricity demand and peak demand is the measurement and reporting of hourly or sub-hourly interval load data. The interval data is reported from the meters to a number of systems on a daily basis. These systems further support the potential reduction in electricity demand and peak demand. For example, customers can review their detailed daily, weekly or monthly energy usage information via CMP?s Energy Manager portal. TMore7/3/0113Responded toView
-001-002FWW 003-002FRYEBURG WATER COMPANYFWW 003-002: Describe in complete detail the basis for determining the amount of rent specified in the 1997 Agreement and provide all information considered or relied upon by the parties to the 1997 Agreement in determining the amount of rent.PendingView
-001-002FR DR No. 2 to OPAOFFICE OF THE PUBLIC ADVOCATE2. Answer the following questions relating to the Study. a. Was anyone with an engineering degree involved in designing, supervising, or implementing the Study and the testing procedures? If so, identify the person and any experience he/she has had testing smart meters or other advanced metering devices and with the equipment utilized in the OPA study. b. Did the study follow or implement any testing models or protocols specifically designed for measuring RF transmissions of smart metersMoreA.No. B.While we did review the Engineering Test Report # 306468 TCB TX V3, filed in response to OPA-02-09, Exhibit B of 11-262 - the Exponent Report, Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters, by Sage Associates, 1/2011 and, the test protocols published by Baubiologie Maes, 2003, ultimately, the FCC standard protocol OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01, ?3 Field Measurements was utilized by C Squared for the OPA project. C.See response to Question B. D.WhereMoreResponded toView
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